How To Make Great Iced Coffee

We'll show you how to make this icy concoction in quick easy steps!
If you start with a quality coffee like ours you can achieve good iced coffee results as easily as brewing a hot cup of coffee.
If using a single serve brewer with our reusable k-cup pods, fill a glass/cup with 3/4 ice, place under the machine and brew as normal. The coffee will cool quickly over the ice as it brews. Add you choice of creamer and sugars and top off with more ice. Pop in a straw and enjoy!
For drip or french press machines simply brew as normal and pour over a glass filled with 3/4 ice. Again, you can add your choice of creamer and sugars and top off with more ice.
This method will give you a quick enjoyable iced coffee although it may not be as strong as a true cold brewed iced coffee.
Our flavored coffees make exceptional iced coffees as well so try your favorite over ice!
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